Plant Location
Route 1 Freeway No. 5
Exit at the Luodong Ramp and drive straight until you reach a T junction where you turn right into Zhongzheng Road (Provincial Highway 7) and travel toward the Luodong direction passing Guangrong Road and then turn left. After you pass the viaduct, drive straight, turn left at the third traffic light, and travel toward Wanshan, Renshan Botanical Garden, or Zhongshan Agricultural Leisure Area (Yilan Line 34, Section 3, Yicheng Road). After you reach a T junction, turn right, drive straight, follow the Renshan Botanical Garden signs, and you will reach Sinphar Pharmaceuticals( No.84, Zhongshan Rd., Zhongshan Village, Dongshan Township, Yilan County 269, Taiwan (R.O.C.) ).
Luodong Interchange
Drive straight
TTurn right at the T junction
Zhongzheng Road (Provincial Highway 7)
Toward Luodong
Travel along Guangrong Road and turn left
Drive straight after passing the viaduct
At the third robot
Turn left toward Yilan Line 34
Section 3 Yicheng Road
Turn right at the T junction
Drive straight and reach the destination
Route 2 Urban Line
Beiyi Road (Coastal Highway)→Jiaoxi→Yilan→Luodong; toward Dongshan→Turn right at the cross intersection between Huanhe and Zhenping Road before entering Luodong city area. Then, turn right at Chunjing Road (approx. 2 km) and travel toward Wanshan, Renshan Botanical Garden, or Zhongshan Agricultural Leisure Area (Yilan Line 34, Section 3, Yicheng Road) until you reach a T junction (a brown color sign at approx. 2.7 km) and turn right, drive straight, follow the Renshan Botanical Garden signs, and you will reach Sinphar Pharmaceuticals( No.84, Zhongshan Rd., Zhongshan Village, Dongshan Township, Yilan County 269, Taiwan (R.O.C.) ).
Beiyi Road
Toward Dongshan
Before entering Luodong city area
Huanhe and Zhenping Road
Large cross intersection
Turn right at Chunjing Road
Turn right toward Yilan Line 34
Section 3, Yicheng Road
Turn right at the T junction
Drive straight and reach the destination
Route 3 Suhua Line
From Hualien and Suao direction, take the Provincial Highway 9 toward Luodong, and turn left at the fourth traffic light after passing through the Dongshan Farmer Association from Dongshan. Then, drive 2.2 km straight toward the Meihua Lake, Wanshan, and Babao (Yilan Line 30, Section 1, Yicheng Road) directions, turn left at the Y junction into Babao, drive straight (you will reach a brown colored sign after 1.2 km), turn left at the cross interaction toward the Renshan Botanical Garden, and you will reach the Sinphar Pharmaceuticals( No.84, Zhongshan Rd., Zhongshan Village, Dongshan Township, Yilan County 269, Taiwan (R.O.C.) ).
Provinicial Highway 9 toward
Luodong, Dongshan
At the fourth traffic light
Turn left toward Yilan Line 30
Section 1 Yicheng Road
Drive straight for 2.2 km
Turn left at the Y junction
Drive straight on Babao
Turn left at the cross intersection
You will reach your destination